Grade 4 Language Arts Worksheets

This is often the grade level where readers become less interested. As we fight technology for their attention, it is important to engage and immerse young readers into literature. The most important thing is to help them see value in reading, writing, and language in general. At the 4th grade level students start to focus on increasing their vocabulary libraries and analytical skills within literature. Students will also start to be expected to understand the basic rules of the written and oral of the English language. At the 4th grade level students are expected to be able to write and read with purpose.

Reading: Literature Worksheets

Explaining Details and Drawing Inferences From Text - Students are now asked to master a higher level of explanation with this standard. [RL.4.1]

Finding the Theme of a Story - These are mostly short stories that we ask you to determine the theme of quickly. [RL.4.2]

Inferences - Use facts to get your arguments set. You may need to go looking for some facts. [RL.4.2]

Fairy Tales - Stories past on from generation to generation. There is usually some form of magic or mystery power at work in these stories. [RL.4.2]

Implied Information - This helps students learn to see a great deal of meaning in what they read. [RL.4.2]

Settings and Events of Text - These worksheets will train you to look for keywords and lead your thoughts off of that. [RL.4.3]

Settings - Where does that story take place? This can be a time period in history or a physical place or both. [RL.4.3]

Context Word and Phrase Meanings - Use the words and phrases around words to help you determine their meaning. [RL.4.4]

Cloze Reading Exercises - These are great way to learn how to use new vocabulary. [RL.4.4]

Structural Elements of Poems and Dramas - Time to look at the anatomy of literature and where it stands in your world. [RL.4.5]

Contrasting the Point of View of Narrated Stories - You will find two or more narrators to compare. This section really opens students eyes as to how story tellers can frame a story for you. [RL.4.6]

Connecting Text to Visual or Oral Presentations - We worked on a number of different ways to hit this standard. Most it was creative thinking because their are zero references out there for this standard. [RL.4.7]

Similar Themes and Patterns of Events - You find a nice mix of characters, settings, events, and triggers in these worksheets. [RL.4.9]

Grade 4 Literature Comprehension Worksheets - By the end of the school year, these sheets should be easy for you. [RL.4.10]

Reading: Informational Text Worksheets

Making Inferences From Text - We actually ask you to read into this a great deal. This can be set out over several paragraphs. [RI.4.1]

Summarizing Informational Text - See if you can some up everything into just two sentences. [RI.4.2]

Finding the Main Idea - Where is that thing? It is often in plain sight. [RI.4.2]

Get the Message - See if your students are getting the general message of passages. [RI.4-5.2]

Explaining What You Read - As an adult, most people don't have this skill mastered. [RI.4.3]

Context Based Words and Phrases - Phrases are often easier to decipher. Words can go lots of different ways. [RI.4.4]

Text Structure - We look for similarities between format and placement. [RI.4.5]

Timelines - There are some for interpretation and others are here to be used as tools. [RI.4.5]

Chronology - A deep dive into how the order of events can impact a story. [RI.4-5.5]

Comparing Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts of Events - This topic ties right into perspective work and point of view. [RI.4.6]

Contributions To Text - Which part of the text or visual came from which thought process. [RI.4.7]

Author's Use of Reasons and Evidence - You will find that authors at this level do not often give you concrete proof. [RI.4.8]

Pairing Information From Two Texts - Find the relationship from one to another and where it really builds you up. [RI.4.9]

Reading Comprehension of Informational Texts - It never ceases to amaze me how students have no problem with nonfiction work, but fiction work stumps them. [RI.4.10]

Reading Foundation Worksheets

Unfamiliar Words - Students use letter-sounds and syllable patterns to understand words out of context. [RF.4.3.A]

Missing Letters - We work on mastery level skills with the alphabet. Students will begin to see it as tool for communication rather than something they are required to memorize. [RF.4.3.A]

Grade 4 Leveled Reading - We added some very familiar work in here for you. [RF.4.4.A]

Grade 4 Poetry - We tried to write and choose cheery poems for this section. [RF.4.4.B]

Poetry Writing - Students learn how to compose their own poems. [RF.4.4.B]

Odes - We help students explore this form of celebratory poetry. [RF.3-5.4.B]

Using Context For Confirmation - These type of activities really help students begin to build profound confidence. [RF.4.4.C]

Printable Reading Logs - A great way to track your reading endurance. [RF.K-5]

Reading Fluency - How flawless is your reading endurance? [RF.3-5]

Reading Sequencing - This is a huge skill for readers of all levels. [RF.3-5]

Riddles and Clues - Great critical thinking worksheets. [RF.4]

Language Worksheets

Relative Pronouns and Adverbs - We focus on the most often used forms of these parts of speech. [L.4.1.A]

Adverbs - These particularly give students so trouble. Here is extra practice for you. [L.4.1.A]

Adverbs vs. Adjectives - Yeah, what is the difference after all? [L.4.1.A]

Determiners & Quantifiers - Add a ton more detail to your description. Make it come alive. [L.4.1]

Independent and Dependent Clause - You can't have one clause without the other. [L.4.1]

Future Forms - What should that word be in a little while? [L.4.1]

Double Negatives - I'm not, not going say anything about this topic. [L.4.1-L.5.1]

Genitive Case - Give a sentence a sense of ownership. [L.4.1.A]

Progressive Verb Tense - This is a skill that kids will quickly grasp. [L.4.1.B]

Frequency Adverbs - Adverbs that add a dimension of time. [L.4.1.B]

Modal Auxiliaries - Beef up your sentences by providing more detail. [L.4.1.C]

Auxiliary Verbs - These are verbs that elicit a response of some kind. [L.4.1.C]

Modal Verbs - These words help clarify the exact actions that are taken. [L.4.1.C]

Sense Verbs - These words help make sentences more human. [L.4.1.C]

Ordering Adjectives - This more of a descriptive word soup, if you will. [L.4.1.D]

Using Adjectives In Context - Students learn how to work with multiple descriptors, when needed. [L.4.1.D]

Prepositional Phrase - Students start to understand chunks of sentences now. [L.4.1.E]

Writing Appropriate Complete Sentences - Time to proper-FY your sentence structure and writing tasks. [L.4.1.F]

Run On Sentences - Look deeply at these sentences and pinpoint the problem. [L.4.1.F]

Sentence Fragment - Pieces and parts that need to be nailed together. [L.4.1.F]

Complete and Simple Subjects - Distinct signals in sentences that dictate a theme. [L.4.1.F]

Using Confusing Words Correctly - This for times when you ask yourself if your are looking for: won, one, or 1. [L.4.1.G]

Affect vs. Effect - This tandem is something we catch ourselves thinking through regardless of our age or education level. [L.4.1.G]

Capitalization - Time to break out the Big Letters! [L.4.2.A]

Using Commas and Quotation Marks - The accurate use of these symbols is always a daunting task, even for adults. [L.4.2.B]

Using Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions - This is one of the more difficult activities. Just remember to say it aloud to allow you to hear it better. [L.4.2.C]

Grade 4 Spelling - Some of these words will stump middle schoolers. [L.4.2.D]

Conveying Ideas with Words and Phrases - This takes the concept of an adjective to whole new level. [L.4.3.A]

Using Punctuation for Effect - Make some amazing sentences! That will knock your socks off! [L.4.3.B]

Punctuation Rules - We look at all the different forms of punctuation and start to tackle the fifty or so rules that govern their use. [L.4.3.B]

Quotation Marks - We use this when someone is saying something aloud as to elucidate on written work too. [L.4.3]

Word Construction - Have you ever wondered where certain words have come from? [L.4.3.B]

Define Words and Phrases From Context Clues - Context is often overlooked by today's media. [L.4.4.A]

Using Greek and Latin Affixes and Roots - Learn 20 Latin roots and you will understand 2,000 words. [L.4.4.B]

Pronunciation and Meaning of Words With References - Learn to use reference tools to your advantage. [L.4.4.C]

Pronunciation - Learn how to pronounce a wide variety of words.. [L.4.4.C]

Explaining Similes and Metaphors - Some metaphors are known only to certain generations. Amazing how technology changes that! [L.4.5.A]

Common Expressions - These never seem to get old to the people using them. [L.4.5.A]

Idioms, Adages, and Proverbs - Proverbs are something you should review often. The style of most Proverbs is difficult to pick up quickly. [L.4.5.B]

Antonyms and Synonyms - We start to compare vocabulary words and find similarities and differences. [L.4.5.C]

4th Grade Vocabulary - Students get a chance to work with new vocabulary words in a wide variety of ways. [L.4.6]

Writing Worksheets

Writing Using Organizational Patterns - Always start with a brief outline of your work here. [W.4.1.A]

Topic Sentences - This is a fundamental part of the composition process. [W.4-6.1.A]

Writing Supporting Details - We actually ask students to begin the in depth inference process here. [W.4.1.B]

Using Transition Words - An awesome vocabulary linking activity section. [W.4.1.C]

Using Connectors - A great way to link ideas or concepts together. [W.4.1.C]

Writing Concluding Statements For Opinions - Finish of the statement and make it reach the reader. [W.4.1.D]

Paragraph Writing - Put those statements to the end of the playing field. [W.4.2.A]

Writing Main Ideas - Look into the work and see what the takeaways are for you. [W.4.2.B]

Linking Ideas With Transition Words - We add some more moving vocabulary to our frame set. [W.4.2.C]

Explanatory Form Writing - The words really do matter here. [W.4.2.D]

Writing Friendly Letters - When is the last time that you sent your friend a letter? [W.4.2]

Paragraph Corrections - We look for all types of errors via grammar, punctuation, and form. [W.4.2]

Writing Stories With A Narrator - Make your readers feel at home with a great narrator. [W.4.3.A]

Writing Dialogue - Let's see how characters of a story will interact. [W.4.3.B]

Writing Event Sequences - Manage these sequences of events. [W.4.3.C]

Descriptively Writing - Use concrete and sensory based words to really detail an event. [W.4.3.D]

Writing Narrative Conclusions - Narrator your experience and tell us what happened. [W.4.3.E]

Descriptive Writing - Changing the way you put it together. [W.4.3]

Fourth Grade Creative Writing Prompts - Put your thinking cap on before you start to write. [W.4.3]

Grade 4 Writing - These are leveled writing activities. [W.4.4]

Story Writing - Learn to write full stories. [W.4.4]

Writing Process - Mostly organizational and prompting pieces can be found here. [W.4.5]

Grade 4 Writing Assignment - What are they to do at this level? We'll show you here. [W.4.6]

Grade 4 Research Projects - Build knowledge and put the pieces together here. [W.4.7]

Experiential Writing - Give purpose and a record to a past experience. [W.4.8]

Story Analysis - Put it all together and describe your characters. [W.4.9.A]

Understanding Details and Evidence - Time to start being a Language Arts CSI Operative. [W.4.9.B]

Character Descriptions - Learn to be super descriptive. [W.4.9.B]

Writing For Endurance - Expect a hand cramp or two on these. [W.4.10]

What Do 4th Graders Learn in Language Arts?

Here are some important things that fourth graders learn in language arts.

What Should They Learn in Reading?

By the time a child reaches fourth grade, he or she is able to identify different words, read with fluency, and understand the meaning of the text. They have done enough practice in their previous classes about these things. They know the basic level of reading. When children are in fourth grade, they should learn how to read more and more. Reading is something that should always be encouraged in children. It is not enough for them to able to read. They should develop an extensive vocabulary by reading as much as they can. Language arts in fourth grade should include more classroom libraries. It should be able to make the children read more books. It should also teach them to understand more complex topics. The teacher should conduct several reading activities. More conversations and discussions regarding certain books should be encouraged in the classroom.

What Should They Learn in Writing?

Fourth graders know how to write basic level English. They are well aware of common words that are used in daily speech and text. They have developed speed writing as well. Now, it is time to continue that habit of writing. Language arts in fourth grade should teach students to write different formal texts that include letters, emails, journals, fiction, and biographies. They should be taught how to freely express their thoughts with writing. They should be given more and more writing prompts as it will make their writing much better.

What Should They Learn in Speaking?

Students of fourth grade should learn how to express their views with speech. Language arts should teach them how to communicate freely without any hesitation and resistance.