While hairdressing is not an obviously dangerous occupation, certain health and safety precautions must be taken to minimise the chance of any accidents or injuries. As a hairstylist, you’re exposed to several hazards because of the kind of work you do, the tools you use and the environment you work in.
A personal injury claim from a client can be costly and very damaging to your reputation as a hairdresser. That’s one of the reasons why having specialist Hairdressing Insurance is so important – to cover you against expensive Public Liability claims and protect your business. Here, we discuss health and safety in hairdressing and the risks you need to be aware of.
As a hairdresser, you’re likely to handle water, chemicals, electrical appliances, blades and cutting instruments. With this in mind, there are several health and safety risks to consider, including:
You’ll use products that contain various chemicals in your daily work. Hair dyes, peroxide and bleaches, permanent wave solutions, and straightening creams can all be dangerous if inhaled or ingested. Being exposed to these chemicals daily could lead to more serious side effects which can cause damage to the immune, reproductive, neurological and respiratory systems.
Slips and falls can occur when you least expect them to , and are a common reason to claim on insurance at salons and barbershops. Hairdressing floors present ideal ground for a variety of dangers. Clipped hair, product spills, and wet surfaces can become a slip hazard. While loose cords on the floor from electrical tools, such as straighteners, blow dryers and curling irons can become a trip hazard.
Standing on your feet all day can place the body under unnatural one-sided strain, with your feet and back feeling the most pressure. There are several health-related problems that hairdressing work can cause, such as venous disorders and varicose veins. Hair stylists perform actions with their hands and wrists constantly while cutting hair – so repetitive stress injuries are another potential hazard.