Occupational Health and Safety Code
The Occupational Health and Safety Code provides specific technical health and safety rules and requirements for Alberta workplaces.
Alberta Regulation 191/2021
- Part 1: Definitions and General Application
- 1 Definitions
- 1.1 Farming and ranching operations
- 1.2 Domestic workers
- 2 Repealed
- 2 and 2.1
- 2.1 Repealed
- 2.2 Designated person to prepare plan
- 3 Repealed
- 3.1 Previous editions of referenced standards
- 3.2 Equipment
- 3.3 Performance of duty by worker
- 4 Transitional
- 5 Repeal
- 6 Coming into force
- 7 Hazard assessment
- 8 Worker participation
- 9 Hazard elimination and control
- 10 Emergency control of hazard
- 11 Repealed
- 12 Following specifications
- 12.1 Repealed
- 13 Manufacturer’s and professional engineer’s specifications
- 14 Certification by a professional engineer
- 15 Approved equipment
- 15.1 Specifications and certifications
- 16 Worker exposure to harmful substances
- 17 Exposure to multiple substances
- 18 Exposure during shifts longer than 8 hours
- 19 Review of exposure limits
- 20 Airborne concentration measurements
- 21 Potential worker exposure
- 22 Worker overexposure
- 23 Worker decontamination
- 24 Emergency baths, showers, eye wash equipment
- 25 Prohibited activities
- 26 Codes of practice
- 27 Storage of harmful substances
- 28 General provisions for asbestos, silica, coal dust and lead
- 29 Restricted area
- 30 Protective clothing used in restricted areas containing asbestos or lead
- 31 Release of asbestos
- 32 Prohibitions related to asbestos
- 33 Asbestos in air distribution systems
- 34 Asbestos in a building to be demolished
- 35 Encapsulation, enclosure or removal of asbestos
- 36 Notification of a project
- 37 Asbestos worker course
- 38 Containment and labelling of asbestos waste
- 39 Use of crystalline silica in abrasive blasting
- 40 Health assessments for workers exposed to asbestos, silica or coal dust
- 41 Lead exposure control plan
- 42 Lead — air monitoring
- 43 Medical monitoring for lead
- 43.1 Controlling mould exposure
- 44 Code of practice
- 45 Hazard assessment
- 46 Training
- 47 Entry permit system
- 48 Safety and protection — generally
- 49 Protection — hazardous substances and energy
- 50 Unauthorized entry
- 51 Traffic hazards
- 52 Testing the atmosphere
- 53 Ventilation and purging
- 54 Inerting
- 55 Emergency response
- 56 Tending worker
- 57 Entry and exit
- 58 Retaining records
- 59 Application
- 60 Not commercially manufactured
- 61 Identification of components
- 62 Rated load capacity
- 63 Load charts
- 64 Operator requirements
- 65 Log books
- 66 Preventing an unsafe lift
- 67 Preventing collisions
- 68 Load weight
- 68.1 Lift calculation
- 69 Loads over work areas
- 70 Tag and hoisting lines
- 71 Hand signals
- 72 Controls
- 73 Repairs and modifications
- 74 Containers for hoisting
- 75 A‒Frames and gin poles
- 75.1 Suspended personnel baskets
- 76 Installation and use
- 77 Equipment requirements
- 78 Operator responsibilities
- 79 Worker in lifting device
- 80 Holding suspended load
- 81 Safety code for material hoists
- 82 Rider restriction
- 83 Gate interlocks
- 84 Operator responsibilities
- 85 Signal systems
- 86 Hoist brakes
- 87 Location protected
- 88 Safety code for mobile cranes
- 88.1 Personnel baskets
- 89 Non‒destructive testing
- 90 Counterweights and outriggers
- 91 Warning device
- 92 Preventing damage
- 92.1 Load blocks
- 92.2 Outriggers
- 93 Electrical components and functions
- 94 Maintenance and inspection
- 95 Safe movement
- 95.1 Controls
- 96 Safety code for personnel hoists
- 97 Safe use and design
- 98 Protective enclosure
- 99 Design
- 100 Safety code for tower cranes
- 101 Limit devices
- 102 Operation
- 103 Changing components
- 104 Test weights
- 105 Structural testing and examination
- 106 Wind and temperature limitations
- 107 Multiple cranes
- 108 Safety requirements
- 109 Operator responsibilities
- 110 Hoist cage
- 111 Unguided suspended cage
- 112 Safety standards
- 113 Safe use
- 114 Safe practices
- 115 Emergency response plan
- 116 Contents of plan
- 117 Rescue and evacuation workers
- 118 Equipment
- 119 Safe entry and exit
- 120 Doors
- 121 Walkways, runways and ramps
- 122 Stairways
- 123 Handrails on stairways
- 124 Restriction on use
- 125 Prohibition on single rail
- 126 Prohibition on painting
- 127 Use near energized electrical equipment
- 128 Ladders on extending booms
- 129 Safe use
- 130 Design criteria
- 131 Fixed ladders in manholes
- 132 Rest platform exemption
- 133 Prohibition
- 134 Constructed portable ladder
- 135 Manufactured portable ladder
- 136 Securing and positioning
- 137 Fall protection
- 138 Rescue personnel exemption
- 139 General protection
- 140 Fall protection plan
- 141 Instruction of workers
- 142 Full body harness
- 142.1 Body belt
- 142.2 Lanyard
- 142.3 Shock absorber
- 143 Connectors, carabiners and snap hooks
- 144 Fall arresters
- 145 Self‒retracting device
- 146 Descent control device
- 147 Life safety rope
- 148 Adjustable lanyard for work positioning
- 148.1 Rope adjustment device for work positioning
- 149 Wood pole climbing
- 150 Equipment compatibility
- 150.1 Inspection and maintenance
- 150.2 Removal from service
- 150.3 Prusik and similar knots
- 151 Clearance, maximum arresting force and swing
- 152 Anchor strength — permanent
- 152.1 Anchor strength — temporary
- 152.2 Duty to use anchors
- 152.3 Independence of anchors
- 152.4 Wire rope sling as anchor
- 153 Flexible and rigid horizontal lifeline systems
- 153.1 Installation of horizontal lifeline systems
- 154 Fixed ladders and climbable structures
- 155 Fall protection on vehicles and loads
- 156 Boom‒supported work platforms and aerial devices
- 157 Water danger
- 158 Leading edge fall protection system
- 159 Procedures in place of fall protection equipment
- 160 Work positioning
- 161 Control zones
- 161.1 Flammable or explosive atmospheres a hazard
- 162 Prohibitions
- 162.1 Classification of work sites
- 163 Procedures and precautions
- 164 Contaminated clothing and skin
- 165 Protective procedures and precautions in hazardous locations
- 166 Internal combustion engines
- 167 Flare stacks, flare pits and flares
- 168 Industrial furnaces and fired heaters
- 169 Hot work
- 170 Hot taps
- 170.1 Spray operations
- 171 Compressed and liquefied gas
- 171.1 Welding — general
- 171.2 Gas welding or allied process
- 172 Storage compartments
- 173 Horizontal cylinder storage
- 174 Handling cylinders
- 175 Isolating methods
- 176 Pigging
- 177 Training standards
- 178 Providing services, supplies, equipment
- 179 Location of first aid
- 180 Emergency transportation
- 181 First aid providers
- 182 Duty to report injury or illness
- 183 Record of injury or illness
- 184 First aid records access
- 185 Housekeeping
- 186 Lighting
- 187 Pallets and storage racks
- 187.1 Placement of roofing materials
- 188 Restraining hoses and piping
- 189 Securing equipment and materials
- 190 Skeleton structures
- 191 Signallers
- 192 Stabilizing masonry walls
- 193 Tire servicing
- 194 Vehicle traffic control
- 195 Working on ice
- 196 Application of this Part
- 196.1 Worker membership selection
- 196.2 Co-chairs of committee
- 197 Terms of reference
- 198 Special meetings of committees
- 199 Quorum
- 199.1 Posting names of committee members or health and safety representatives
- 199.2 Special meetings of representatives
- 199.3 Time away for committee or representative work and entitlement to pay
- 200 Repealed
- 201 Training
- 202 - 207
- 208 Equipment
- 209 Adapting heavy or awkward loads
- 209.1 Work site design — health care facilities
- 209.2 Patient/client/resident handling
- 210 Assessing manual handling hazards
- 211 Musculoskeletal injuries
- 211.1 Training to prevent musculoskeletal injury
- 212 Isolation re machinery, equipment or powered mobile equipment
- 213 Verifying isolation
- 214 Assigning personal locks
- 214.1 Securing by individual workers
- 215 Securing by group control procedures
- 215.1 Securing by complex group control procedures
- 215.2 Securing remotely controlled systems
- 215.3 Returning to operation
- 215.4 Isolation re piping or pipelines
- 215.5 215.5 Isolation requirements for piping or a pipeline
- 215.6 Pigging and testing of piping or pipelines
- 216 Duty to reduce
- 217 Noise control design
- 218 Worker exposure to noise
- 219 Noise exposure assessment
- 220 Record of noise exposure assessment
- 221 Noise management program
- 222 Hearing protection
- 223 Audiometric testing
- 224 Deemed work time
- 225 Safe limit of approach distance
- 226 Transported loads, equipment and buildings
- 227 Utility worker exemption
- 228 Duty to use personal protective equipment
- 229 Eye and face protectors
- 230 Contact lenses
- 231 Electric arc welding
- 232 Use of flame resistant clothing
- 233 Footwear
- 234 Protective headwear
- 235 Bicycles and skates
- 236 All‒terrain vehicles, snow vehicles, motorcycles
- 237 Firefighters
- 238 Bump hat
- 239 Exemption from wearing headwear
- 240 Compliance with standards
- 241 Use of jackets and flotation devices
- 242 Limb and body protection
- 243 Skin protection
- 244 Respiratory dangers
- 245 Code of practice
- 246 Approval of equipment
- 246.1 Repealed
- 247 Selection of equipment
- 248 Storage and use
- 249 Quality of breathing air
- 250 Effective facial seal
- 251 Equipment for immediate danger
- 252 Equipment — no immediate danger
- 253 Air purifying equipment
- 254 Emergency escape equipment
- 255 Abrasive blasting operations
- 256 Operator responsibilities
- 257 Visual inspection
- 257.1 Repealed
- 258 Dangerous movement
- 259 Pedestrian traffic
- 260 Inspection and maintenance
- 261 Maintenance on elevated parts
- 262 Starting engines
- 263 Unattended equipment
- 264 Lights
- 265 Windows and windshields
- 266 Other safety equipment
- 267 Warning signal
- 268 Bulkheads
- 269 Guards and screens
- 270 Rollover protective structures
- 270.1 Repealed
- 271 Equipment with rollover protection
- 272 Falling objects protective structures
- 273 Recertification after modification
- 274 Fuel tank in cab
- 275 Worker transportation
- 276 Riding on loads
- 276.1 Repealed
- 277 Hazardous loads
- 278 Tank trucks
- 279 Refuelling
- 280 Three‒wheeled all‒terrain vehicles
- 281 Operator’s manual
- 282 Load and slope limitations
- 283 Load chart
- 284 Seat belt
- 285 Chocking
- 286 Pile hoisting
- 287 Restraining hoses and connections
- 288 Brake bands and clutches
- 289 Timber piles
- 290 Crane boom inspection
- 290.1 Licensing and mechanical inspection
- 290.2 Safety requirements
- 291 Prevention and protection
- 291.1 Shielding
- 291.2 X-ray equipment
- 291.3 Lasers
- 291.4 Radiation exposure limits
- 291.5 Monitoring worker exposure to ionizing radiation (dosimetry)
- 291.6 Additional protections for pregnant and young workers
- 291.7 Designated radiation equipment — registration certificate required
- 292 Breaking strength
- 292.1 Safety factors
- 293 Load ratings
- 294 Inspection
- 295 Prohibition
- 296 Rigging protection
- 297 Standards
- 298 Slings
- 299 Rope wound on drum
- 300 Cable clips
- 301 Ferrules
- 302 Matching components
- 303 Safety latches
- 304 Makeshift rigging and welding
- 305 Synthetic fibre slings
- 306 Wire rope
- 307 Metal mesh slings
- 308 Electric arc damage
- 309 Damaged hooks
- 310 Safeguards
- 311 Tampering with safeguards
- 312 No safeguards
- 313 Building shafts
- 314 Covering openings
- 315 Guardrails
- 316 Hoppers, bins and chutes
- 317 Machine failure
- 318 Protection from falling objects
- 319 Push stick or block
- 320 Safety nets
- 321 Toe boards
- 322 Wire mesh
- 323 CSA Standard applies
- 324 Design
- 325 Load
- 326 Tagging requirements
- 327 Vertical ladder on scaffold
- 328 Working from a ladder
- 329 Scaffold planks
- 330 Scaffold platform
- 331 Metal scaffolding
- 332 Bracket scaffolds
- 333 Double‒pole scaffolds
- 334 Free‒standing or rolling scaffolds
- 335 Half‒horse scaffolds
- 336 Ladderjack scaffolds
- 337 Needle‒beam scaffolds
- 338 Outrigger scaffolds
- 339 Roofing brackets
- 340 Single‒pole scaffolds
- 341 Suspended scaffolds
- 342 Swingstage scaffolds
- 343 Requirements for swingstage scaffold
- 344 Safety on swingstage scaffolds
- 345 Workers on swingstage scaffolds
- 346 Worker safety
- 347 Standards
- 348 Permanent suspension powered work platforms
- 349 Fork‒mounted work platforms
- 350 Suspended man baskets
- 351 Boatswain’s chairs
- 352 Temporary supporting structures
- 353 Fly form deck panels
- 354 Restrictions by employer
- 355 Drinking fluids
- 356 Exception
- 357 Toilet facilities
- 358 Water and drainage
- 359 Hand cleaning facilities
- 360 Supplies and waste receptacle
- 361 Condition of facilities
- 362 Contact by clothing, etc.
- 363 Machines close together
- 364 Moving workers
- 364.1 Repealed
- 365 Starting machinery
- 366 Preventing machine activation
- 367 Operator responsibilities
- 368 Controls
- 369 Immobilizing machinery
- 370 Drive belts
- 371 Continuous‒feed machinery
- 372 Elevated conveyor belts
- 373 Crossing conveyor belts
- 374 Actuated fastening tools
- 375 Grinders
- 376 Chainsaws
- 377 Circular saw blades
- 378 Band saw blades
- 379 Band saw wheels
- 380 Power‒fed circular saws
- 381 Cut‒off saws
- 382 Sawmill head rig
- 383 Sawmill log carriage
- 384 Robots
- 385 Teaching a robot
- 386 Application
- 387 Design
- 388 Safety
- 389 Hazard assessment
- 390 Violence prevention plan
- 390.1 Violence prevention policy
- 390.2 Violence prevention procedures
- 390.3 Domestic violence
- 390.4 Harassment prevention plan
- 390.5 Harassment prevention policy
- 390.6 Harassment prevention procedures
- 390.7 Review of plans
- 391 Training of workers
- 391.1 Investigation and reporting of incidents
- 391.2 Treatment or referral
- 392 Entitlement to pay
- 392.1 Retail fuel and convenience store worker safety application
- 392.2 Additional requirements for violence prevention plan
- 392.3 Additional training required
- 392.4 Review of violence prevention plan and worker training
- 392.5 Personal emergency transmitter
- 392.6 Mandatory fuel prepayment
- 393 Application
- 394 Precautions required
- 394.1 Definitions
- 395 Application
- 396 Hazardous waste
- 397 Training
- 398 Label required
- 399 Production or manufacture
- 400 Decanted products
- 401 Placards
- 402 Transfer of hazardous products
- 403 Laboratory samples
- 404 Safety data sheet — supplier
- 405 Safety data sheet — employer
- 406 Information current
- 407 Availability of safety data sheet
- 408 Claim for disclosure exemption
- 409 Interim non‒disclosure
- 410 Exemption from disclosure
- 411 Duty to disclose information
- 412 Information — confidential
- 413 Information to medical professional
- 414 Limits on disclosure
- 415 Worker in charge
- 416 Location of equipment
- 417 Hazardous substances
- 418 Use of explosives
- 419 Disconnecting services
- 420 Materials chute
- 421 Dismantling buildings
- 422 Building shaft demolitions
- 423 Application
- 424 Employer responsibilities
- 425 - 436
- 437 Intakes, pipes and tunnels
- 438 - 440
- 441 Disturbing the ground
- 442 Classification of soil type
- 443 Soil stabilization
- 444 Marking an excavation
- 445 Water hazard
- 446 Worker access
- 447 Locating buried or concrete‒embedded facilities
- 448 Exposing buried facilities
- 449 Exemption
- 450 Methods of protection
- 451 Cutting back walls
- 452 Loose materials
- 453 Spoil piles
- 454 Power pole support
- 455 Safe entry and exit
- 456 Temporary protective structures
- 457 Alternatives to temporary protective structures
- 458 Installation of shoring, stringers or bracing
- 459 Access for powered mobile equipment
- 460 Dumping block
- 461 Underground shafts
- 462 Drilled or bored underground shaft
- 463 Prohibition
- 464 Tunnel
- 465 Repealed
- 466 Burning material
- 467 Repealed
- 468 Blasters
- 468.1 Certification of blasters
- 468.2 Repealed
- 468.3 Suspension and cancellation
- 468.4 Repealed
- 468.5 Employer report of blaster certificates
- 468.51 Blaster's report
- 468.52 Loss or theft of explosives
- 468.6 Repealed
- 468.7 Repealed
- 469 Repealed
- 470 Canadian guidelines
- 470.1 Magazines
- 470.2 Storage and disposal of explosives, fuse assemblies and detonators
- 470.3 Access to explosives
- 470.4 Removal from magazine
- 471 Repealed
- 472 Repealed
- 473 Transporting explosives
- 473.1 Vehicle requirements
- 473.2 Vehicle breakdown
- 474 Oldest explosives used first
- 475 Deteriorated, damaged or unsafe explosives
- 476 Repealed
- 477 Appropriate explosive strength and quantities
- 478 Repealed
- 479 Cartridge explosives
- 480 Tools
- 481 Priming
- 482 Repealed
- 483 Detonators
- 484 Adverse weather conditions
- 485 Excavating and drilling
- 486 Bootleg
- 486.1 Water damage
- 487 Size of bore hole
- 488 Safe positioning
- 488.1 Quantity of explosives
- 489 Unwinding leg wires
- 490 Electrical energy
- 491 Tamping explosives
- 492 Sequential detonation
- 493 Repealed
- 494 Stemming and leg wires
- 495 Testing detonators, circuits and blasting machines
- 496 Repealed
- 497 Connecting down lines to trunk cords
- 497.1 Ignition precautions
- 498 Community protection
- 498.1 Signs
- 499 Blast protection
- 499.1 Burning explosives
- 500 Repealed
- 501 Electromagnetic radiation
- 502 Above-ground explosive
- 503 Radiofrequency transmitters
- 504 Length of fuse assembly
- 505 Blasting machine
- 506 Shunting the blasting cable
- 507 Repealed
- 508 Repealed
- 509 Waiting period
- 510 Withdrawing a misfire
- 510.1 Working around a misfire
- 511 Undetonated explosives and misfires
- 512 Repealed
- 513 Removal of waste
- 514 Repealed
- 515 Avalanche control
- 516 Oil well blasting and oil well perforating
- 517 Seismic blasting
- 517.1 Display fireworks and pyrotechnic special effects operations
- 517.2 Secondary blasting
- 517.3 Application
- 517.4 Removal from magazine
- 517.5 Circuit requirements for blasting machines
- 517.6 Electrical cables and wires
- 517.7 Detonating cord
- 517.8 Blast holes
- 517.9 Blasting warnings
- 517.91 Unattended blast holes
- 517.92 Application
- 517.93 Drilling distances
- 517.94 Storage
- 517.95 Electric conveyance
- 517.96 Handling explosives underground
- 517.97 Mine shaft conveyance
- 517.98 Priming explosives
- 517.99 Explosive atmospheres
- 517.991 Blasting cable
- 517.992 Use of detonators
- 517.993 Series connection
- 517.994 Firing in the same round
- 517.995 Misfires
- 517.996 Misfire detonation and deactivation
- 517.997 Shock blasting
- 517.998 Explosives detonated from the surface
- 517.999 Permanent underground firing station
- 517.9991 Secondary blasting in underground mines
- 518 Felling and bucking
- 519 Hand felling
- 520 Mechanized feller or limber
- 521 Operator protective structures
- 522 Road warnings
- 523 Partially cut trees
- 524 Logging trucks
- 525 Traffic safety
- 525.1 Exposure control
- 525.2 Medical sharps
- 526 Sharps containers
- 527 Recapping needles
- 527.1 Repealed
- 528 Policies and procedures
- 529 Limited exposure
- 530 Post exposure management
- 531 Application
- 532 Building safety
- 533 Mine plan
- 533.1 Specifications or procedures
- 534 Reports
- 535 Excavation
- 536 Mine material and discards
- 537 Dust from drilling
- 538 Repealed
- 539 Haul roads
- 540 Repealed
- 541 Mine walls
- 542 Dumping block
- 543 Repealed
- 544 Reporting dangerous occurrences
- 545 Repealed
- 546 Emergency response
- 547 Firefighting training
- 548 Repealed
- 549 Repealed
- 550 Repealed
- 551 Repealed
- 552 Repealed
- 553 Repealed
- 554 Repealed
- 555 Repealed
- 556 Repealed
- 557 Repealed
- 558 Repealed
- 559 Repealed
- 560 Electrical standards
- 561 Repealed
- 562 Repealed
- 563 Repealed
- 564 Repealed
- 565 Repealed
- 566 Repealed
- 567 Repealed
- 568 Repealed
- 569 Repealed
- 570 Repealed
- 571 Repealed
- 572 Hand‒held electrical drills
- 573 Repealed
- 574 Rubber-tired self-propelled equipment
- 574.1 Autonomous equipment
- 575 Repealed
- 576 Repealed
- 577 Emergency energy
- 578 Hydraulic brakes
- 579 Dual-brake systems
- 580 Repealed
- 581 Repealed
- 582 Repealed
- 583 Repealed
- 584 Repealed
- 585 Periodic service brake testing
- 586 Repealed
- 587 Repealed
- 588 Auxiliary steering
- 589 Auxiliary pump
- 590 Auxiliary steering standards
- 591 Design safety factors
- 592 Clearance lights
- 593 Line of sight
- 594 Lights
- 595 Repealed
- 596 Repealed
- 597 Repealed
- 598 Fire resistance
- 599 Stopping
- 600 Distance surrounding conveyor belts
- 601 Combustible dust
- 602 Repealed
- 603 Riding conveyor belts prohibited
- 604 Inspecting conveyor
- 605 Repealed
- 606 Repealed
- 680 Application
- 681 Annual plan
- 682 Repealed
- 683 Supervision
- 684 Repealed
- 685 Underground mine manager
- 686 Combined operations
- 687 Working alone where coal is mined
- 688 Repealed
- 689 Unsafe areas
- 690 Work shift report and inspection
- 691 Repealed
- 692 Repealed
- 693 Ignition source restricted
- 693.1 Light metal alloys
- 693.2 Monitoring of flammability hazards
- 693.3 Fire precautions
- 693.4 Fireproofing
- 693.5 Protection around conveyors
- 693.6 Fire detection and suppression systems
- 693.7 Firefighting equipment
- 693.8 Water supply system for extinguishing fires
- 693.9 Carbon monoxide monitors
- 694 Marking ignition hazards
- 694.1 Repealed
- 695 Propane installations
- 696 Bulk fuel storage
- 697 Voice communication
- 697.1 Batteries
- 697.2 Switchgear
- 697.3 Clearances underground for rubber-tired, self-propelled equipment
- 697.4 Diesel-powered equipment
- 698 Repealed
- 699 Repealed
- 700 Portal
- 701 Outlets
- 702 Escape ways
- 702.1 Refuge stations
- 703 Protection from contact with moving equipment
- 703.1 Emergency warning system
- 703.2 Evacuation
- 703.3 Emergency response station
- 703.4 Respiratory protective equipment for emergency escape
- 704 Underground fuel stations
- 705 Diesel fuel
- 706 Control of equipment
- 707 Support system
- 708 Pillar extractions
- 709 Repealed
- 710 Repealed
- 711 Ventilation system
- 712 Air velocity
- 713 Return airway
- 714 Airlock doors
- 715 Stoppings
- 716 Seals
- 717 Chutes
- 718 Splits
- 719 Main fans
- 720 Reverse flows
- 721 Surface fans
- 722 Booster fans
- 723 Auxiliary fans
- 724 Brattice, vent tubes
- 725 Ventilation fans
- 726 Repealed
- 727 Repealed
- 728 Repealed
- 729 Operating in split
- 730 Gas inspections
- 731 Flammable gas levels
- 732 Diesel vehicle roads
- 733 Degassing procedures
- 734 Repealed
- 735 Repealed
- 736 Repealed
- 737 Repealed
- 738 Detection equipment for flammable and combustible gases
- 739 Repealed
- 740 Repealed
- 741 Roof bolting
- 742 Airborne dust control
- 743 Incombustible dust
- 744 Repealed
- 745 Explosion barriers
- 746 Repealed
- 747 Spacing between adjoining mining operations
- 748 Drill holes
- 749 Water or gas
- 749.1 Shaft access and hoisting equipment
- 749.2 Repealed
- 749.3 Repealed
- 749.4 Certification of underground mine managers and underground mine foremen
- 749.5 Repealed
- 749.6 Repealed
- 749.7 Repealed
- 749.8 Suspension and cancellation
- 749.9 Repealed
- 749.91 Repealed
- 749.92 Repealed
- 749.93 Repealed
- 750 Application
- 751.1 Health and safety orientation
- 752.1 Work site organization
- 752.2 Purging lines
- 752.3 Firefighting equipment
- 753 Operating load of derrick or mast
- 754 Derricks and masts
- 755 Reports for equipment inspections and repairs
- 755.1 Reports for rented or leased equipment inspections and repairs
- 756 Sliding prohibited
- 757 Repealed
- 758 Inspections and safety check
- 759 Repealed
- 760 Repealed
- 761 Exits from enclosures
- 762 Emergency escape
- 763 Guy lines and anchors
- 764 Repealed
- 765 Tubular storage
- 766 Drawworks
- 767 Brakes
- 768 Weight indicators
- 769 Travelling blocks
- 770 Worker lifting and rescue
- 771 Catheads
- 772 Repealed
- 773 Rotary table danger zone
- 774 Tong safety
- 775 Counterweights
- 776 Fluid pumping and piping systems
- 776.1 Controlling pressure hazards
- 777 Rig tank or pit enclosures
- 778 Repealed
- 779 Drill stem testing
- 780 Well swabbing
- 781 Well servicing
- 782 Well stimulation
- 783 Repealed
- 784 Gas sample containers
- 792 Application
- 793 Safe work practices
- 794 Fall protection and work positioning
- 795 Harness standards
- 796 Knot exemption
- 797 Application
- 798 Repealed
- 799 Protective devices or equipment
- 800 Safe work practices for electric utilities and rural electrification associations
- 801 Safe work practices for industrial power producers
- 802 Coordinated work
- 803 Communication lines, cables
- 804 Work on energized electrical equipment or lines (above 750 volts)
- 805 Exemptions
- 806 Exemptions
- 807 Exemptions
- 808 Rope access safe work plan
- 809 Rope access safe work plan
- 810 Rope access safe work plan
- 811 Safe work practices
- 812 Instruction of workers
- 813 Tools and equipment
- 814 Equipment compatibility
- 815 Inspection and maintenance
- 816 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 817 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 818 Low stretch (static) and high stretch (dynamic) rope
- 819 Cow’s tail
- 820 Removal from service
- 821 Worker rescue
- 822 Worker rescue
- 823 Safe work practices
- 824 Safe work practices
- 825 Safe work practices
- 826 Worker competency
- 827 Worker’s personal logbook
- 828 Maximum arrest force, clearance, anchor strength
- 829 Maximum arrest force, clearance, anchor strength
- 830 Safety line
- 831 Head protection
- 832 Head protection
- 833 Head protection
- 834 Full body harness
- 835 Connecting components
- 836 Connecting components
- 837 Ascenders
- 838 Back-up devices
- 839 Descenders
- 840 Safe work practices
- 841 Worker competency
- 842 Fall factor, clearance, anchorage strength
- 843 Fall factor, clearance, anchorage strength
- 844 Head protection
- 845 Head protection
- 846 Head protection
- 847 Sit harness
- 848 Full body harness
- 849 Connecting components
- Table 1: Substances and processes requiring a code of practice
- Table 2: Occupational exposure limits for chemical substances
- Table 1: Noise exposure limits
- Table 2: Repealed
- Table 3: Repealed
- Table 1: Safe limit of approach distances from overhead power lines for persons and equipment
- Table 0: Cable clip requirements for wire rope
- Table 1: Light duty double pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 2: Light duty double pole scaffolds 6 metres or more in height
- Table 3: Heavy duty double pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 4: Heavy duty double pole scaffolds 6 metres or more in height
- Table 5: Half‒horse scaffolds less than 3 metres in height
- Table 6: Half‒horse scaffolds 3 metres to 5 metres in height
- Table 7: Single‒pole scaffolds less than 6 metres in height
- Table 8: Single‒pole scaffolds 6 metres to 9 metres in height
- Table 1: Number of toilets required at a work site
- Table 1: Circular saw blade crack limits
- Table 2: Band saw blade crack limits
- Table 1: Shoring components used in excavations, trenches, tunnels and underground shafts
- Table 1: Minimum separation distances between explosives and fixed radiofrequency transmitters
- Table 2: Minimum separation distances between explosives and mobile radiofrequency transmitters and cellular telephones
- Table 1: Maximum effective dose limits for ionizing radiation
- Table 2: Maximum equivalent dose limits for ionizing radiation
- Table 3: Maximum exposure limits for laser radiation for any persons
- Table 4: Maximum exposure limits for radiofrequency electromagnetic fields for any persons