How To Apply

students walking

For technical assistance with the online application portal (E.g. Trouble logging in, how to upload documents, how to request letters of recommendation), please contact USC Application Customer Service at 857-304-2092 or

There is a $90 non-refundable application fee paid through the online application portal when you submit your application.

Fee Waivers: The Office of Graduate Admissions offers a limited number of Application Fee Waivers to qualifying students: Application Fee Waiver Request Instructions

City Year alumni are eligible for an application fee waiver from the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work: City Year Application Fee Waiver Instructions

2. Upload your resume

For admission, experience in the field of social work is preferable but not required. Applicants are expected to have experience in environments such as human services (E.g. Nonprofit organization, public health, healthcare, etc.) and education. Students should highlight their leadership, advocacy, and capacity to work with a variety of populations. Your resume will assist the admissions committee in assessing your level of knowledge, experience, and preparation for graduate social work education at USC. These experiences may include those in the workplace or academic settings (E.g. Internship).

Submit a resume through the online application portal that details the following:

Current Work Experience
Please describe your current or most recent professional paid position. This position does not have to be social work-related. Include the following details: company name, job title, dates of employment and responsibilities.

Professional Social Work Experience
Please describe any work you have done professionally in the field of social work or related fields. Include the following details: agency name, position/title, dates of employment and responsibilities.

Volunteer Social Work Experience
Please describe any work you have done as a volunteer or intern related to the field of social work. Please include the following details: agency name, dates of volunteer work, frequency and responsibilities.

Please indicate any of the following: affiliations with professional organizations (e.g., National Association of Social Workers) or honors/recognitions received.

Leadership Experience
Please indicate the length of time of leadership experience, the agency or community where leadership efforts occurred and a description of actual leadership activities.

3. USC MSW Program Questions

Please respond to the questions that are specific to admissions to the MSW program, including questions related to the program length and location (if applicable), application history, academic background, and personal and transfer student information. These questions also include the following important questions about your educational and career goals.

Submission 1: Short Answer Questions (Required)

Upload under Optional Documents > Other

General Disclosure
As a social worker you may be required to work with diverse populations including survivors of all types of traumas, individuals who have abused children, and individuals dealing with mental health and substance use challenges, SMI, death and dying, and/or being a first responder among others. It is highly recommended that all social workers engage in deep self-reflection with support from mental health providers to ensure they are prepared for the challenges of this work.

4. Identify two recommenders

In the online application portal, you will be asked to send electronic recommendation requests. We require two recommendations. There is no specific format or set of questions for the recommenders. However, we do prefer recommendations submitted in formal work/business letterhead and with the use of an email address that has your work/business domain name in it (e.g.

Preferred recommendations are those that come from:

Not accepted: Personal recommendations (E.g. Friends, relatives, therapists).

5. Submit official transcripts
We encourage you send your official transcripts after you have submitted your online application. You will receive your 10-digit USC ID via email within two to three business days after you submit your application. It is important to note that your 10-digit USC ID is different from the USC CAS ID you will receive when you begin your application. That ID is only required for technical support during the application process and is not issued by the university.

USC requires official transcripts from all post-secondary schools (Including community colleges) you have attended, regardless of transfers or whether a degree was earned. Your application processing may be delayed if you fail to submit all undergraduate transcripts.

Transcript submission is a two-step process:

  1. First, upload scanned copies of official registrar-issued transcripts to the online application. Please note that these must be official transcripts printed on university letterhead. Print-outs from online student portals are not acceptable.
  2. After you submit your application and received your 10 digit USC ID number, you must request that every university send an e-transcript to

Studied abroad? If it was for one semester or less, we do not need a transcript from that institution if the grades appear on your undergraduate transcript.

Haven’t graduated yet? You must complete the Concurrent Enrollment Form if you are submitting official transcripts without a conferred bachelor's degree. Sign and scan the form and upload it to your admissions application under the “supplemental documents” tab.


Your application is considered complete once all application materials have been processed, including transcripts and letters of recommendation. Completed applications will be reviewed and notifications will be made according to the deadlines below. To check the status of your application, please contact the Office of Recruitment and Workforce Development. *Please note some applicants may be asked to complete a short virtual interview or phone call if needed for clarification purposes.


Please note that applications, including all supplemental documents, must be completed by the listed deadline.

Early Start Traditional (5 Semesters)
Program Start: Spring 2025

Traditional (4 Semesters) & Part Time Program (6 Semester)
Program Start: Fall 2025

International Students
Program Start: Fall 2025

Spring 2025 Application opens September 6, 2024.

Fall 2025 Application opens November 20, 2024.