3200, Processing an Application

On Form 3064, Application for Health Care Assistance or other HHSC-approved application, document the date that the identifiable application is received. This is the application file date.

Step 2: Determine if an interview is needed.

Eligibility may be determined without interviewing the applicant if all questions on the application are answered and all additional information has been provided.

Step 3: Interview the applicant or their representative face-to-face or by phone if an interview is necessary.

If an interview appointment is scheduled, issue Form 3067, Appointment Notice, including the date, time and place of the interview. If the applicant fails to keep the appointment, reschedule the appointment, if requested, or follow the Denial Decision procedure in Step 8.

Step 4: Check that all information is complete, consistent and sufficient to make an eligibility determination.

Step 5: Request needed information pertaining to the four eligibility criteria: residence, household, resources and income.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 as necessary.

Step 7: Determine eligibility based on the four eligibility criteria.

Document information in the case record to support the decision.

Step 8: Issue the appropriate form, either Form 3082 or Form 3077.