English grammar PDF
Zero, first, second, third, mixed and inverted conditional sentences:
- If he studies hard, he'll pass the exams.
- If I had more time, I would help you.
- If he had met her, he would have told her.
- Were I in your position, I would accept it.
All passive forms compared to active forms:
- The car is repaired. The houses are being built.
- My laptop was broken. The road was being cleared.
- The parcel will be sent in time. The report has been finished.
Direct and indirect speech, reported questions, commands and requests:
- "Greg came yesterday." - Mary said that Greg had come the day before.
- "What time did it start?" - He wanted to know what time it had started.
- "Get up!" - He told me to get up.
Future time clauses:
- I'll do it when I come back home.
- While we are cutting the grass you'll pick the apples.
Defining and non-defining relative clauses:
- The man who called you has just arrived. This is the book that I wanted.
- My father, who is 65 now, still works. His car, which he bought last month, is broken.
Direct questions versus indirect questions:
- What did she want? Where was it?
- Can you tell me what she wanted? Do you remember where it was?
Question tags used after affirmative and negative sentences:
- Sue is your sister, isn't she? They didn't come, did they?
- Nobody will agree with it, will they?
- Derek hardly ever exercises, does he?
The first, second, third person and emphatic imperatives.
- Let me do it. Let him go.
- Open your books. Don't sit down.
- Do be quiet.
Gerunds, infinitives with 'to' and bare infinitives:
- We hope to come on time. They made me stand up.
- He admitted smashing the window. I stopped smoking.
English verbs with direct and indirect objects:
- They gave Harold a new car. They gave him a new car.
- They gave a new car to Harold. They gave it to him.
- Countable and uncountable nouns: a car, an idea - music, information.
- Singular and plural only nouns: physics, homework - jeans, steelworks.
- Group (collective) nouns: a squad of soldiers, a flight of birds.
- Compound nouns: post office, lighthouse, passer-by.
- Proper nouns: Harvard University, the University of Oxford, Spain, the Netherlands.