Pmegp loan scheme application form

You can download by searching "Udyomi" in Mobile PlayStore App and install accordingly.

3 Who are eligible for Online EDP Training?

Applicants whose PMEGP loan has been sanctioned and not completed online EDP training form any institute.

4 What is the EDP Online Training Fees? It is free of cost for PMEGP beneficiary whose application has been sanctioned by bank and not taken any training from RSETI/RUDSETI and other eligible institute as per guidelines. 5 What is the duration of the Training?

15 days is the duration of the Training Modules.

6 How to register Online EDP Training? By using registered mobile number in PMEGP E-Portal you can register for Online EDP training. 7 How to get EDP Certificate?

A certificate and letter of appreciation will be generated by the portal on completion of training.

8 What is the Online EDP Training helpdesk Contact Details?

Contact Numbers is 07526000333/ 07526000555

9 What is additional benefit of the EDP online Portal?Beside Online EDP training beneficiary can download projects reports, Industrial Documentaries, Expert Episodes, Guidance for Statutory Registration and various Government grants, Incentives and other related Information for a period of one year.