An employer or foreign applicant can check the status of their Employment Pass application or their existing Employment Pass status by login into the public site of The Ministry of Manpower at the link below:
The information required in order to check application or pass status are
1. Fin NO
2. Date of Application
3. Passport Number
4. Application Number
There is no requirement to have an EP Online account as the login is for public access and available 24/7 for both employer and employees or HR consultants to access for information and update of Employment Pass status (EP Status).
The above service is useful for many employers and the public at large as it is important for them to know the Employment Pass status of a foreigner whom they are interacting with. The EP card carried by the foreigner may have expired or invalid and this is not made known by the foreigner to them at the onset.
The knowledge of the EP status would help prospective employer, employment agents, landlords, property agents and other people who may be offering a job, contracts or attending to the housing needs of the foreigner in Singapore.
Under Singapore Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) guidelines and regulations, it is the landlord’s of residential dwelling units responsibility to check the validity of the employment pass of their tenants if their residential dwellings are being rented to foreigners.
ICA also provides a 24/7 online service for the public to check the social visit, professional visit or visa status of foreigners as follows:
Failure to carry out the above due diligence checks is an offence under the Immigration Act. Those convicted would be liable to a mandatory jail sentence of between six and 24 months and a fine not exceeding $6,000.
Alternative, you can engage our Singapore Employment Pass Application Service to follow up on your issue.